EggMap – Magnify The Map

EggMap is the most fun way to stroll around – wherever you are. Just keep zooming to find out more about sights, public transport or the nearest restaurant.

Get it!


Haven’t you all lost your nerves at least once by folding an oversized map on a sightseeing-tour? Indeed, we can rely on technology and use a digital map on our mobile phone, but often the real challenge comes when trying to find a hotspot or even to charge your phone in the city. EggMap is the perfect gadget for you. It fits in your hand or your pocket and has manual zooming – just by squeezing it, you’ll get more details about the place than bumbling with a printed version. Drop it, step on it, throw it against the wall – it’s simply indestructible thanks to its incredible flexibility. As it’s filled with 100% of air, you don’t have to worry about it making your bag heavier, either.