The DogStar TailTalk Dog Emotion Sensor is a new device that attaches to a dog’s tail and allows users to track their its emotions during the course of the day. It helps owners decode the messages transmitted when pups wag their tails and better understand the emotional lives of their furry friends. TailTalk has a 3-axis accelerometer and a gyroscope, capturing the tail movement as it happens. The proprietary algorithm translates tail wagging into emotions the dog is expressing. When a dog’s tail wags right, meaning its happy, or when it wags left, meaning the dog is anxious or aggressive. The device, which is chew resistant and waterproof, then sends the data to a user’s smartphone. DogStar TailTalk transmits the emotional data to a companion app for iOS and Android via Bluetooth. Ideally, the information will enable owners to emphasize the environments, people, toys and so forth that bring their pets the most happiness, while avoiding stress inducers.