Agazoo University in cooperation with Udemy, the largest online university in the world, will introduce you to the wonderful world of online courses. What you only need is a computer and an internet connection. That simple!

Udemy is a marketplace for online courses. The platform currently offers over 12,000 courses, with over 2 million enrollments and 4,000 independent content creators. Today, 2 million students in 190 + countries are taking online courses on Udemy. More than 12,000 courses in 10 different languages have been published in their marketplace. Each course is designed & taught by an expert instructor and hundreds of new courses are published every month. You no longer need to lose yourself and crush your head searching for information in the vast internet after we are sure that you will get confused, because as it is known, we live in the age of information and the material is so large and diverse that it will not help you 100 %.

Body languageIn Udemy you will find the courses that you want in 15 main categories and you can focus to the subjects that you want to learn. You can start by watching Lifestyle, Humanities and Social Sciences courses where you can learn the secret language of your body, gain personal success, learn the history and culture of various countries and civilization, learn poetry, manage correctly your social network and generally the relations with others.

Build websiteIf you are familiar with computers and internet and you want to gain more knowledge, there are very interesting courses in the category of Technology, Business, Design and Games. You can learn the programming languages (Python, Java, Pascal), build a website from the beginning, start a profitable online business, learn about internet marketing, learn design programs like Photoshop or design the best Logos and for greater specialization and greater profit you can become a Game Developer or Mobile Game developer in less than one hour.

Black and whiteThose who have the time and passion for Arts and Photography, Crafts and Hobbies, and Music may fill their free time by attending photography lessons, learning the art of black and white photographs, making timber constructions like professionals or decorating cakes for fun and profit. Finally, they can discover the magical and lucrative field of music with piano lessons, guitar, classical music and more advanced, enter the world of electronic music.

Online coursesFor those who want to enrich their knowledge, Udemy offers them the ability to deal with Math and Science, Education, and Language Learning courses. You can recall the mathematics you may have forgotten from school, make amazing astronomical discoveries, acquire the skills to teach or create an online course and gain money. If you want to travel across the globe and communicate effectively there is a wide range of foreign languages courses available.

Yoga coursesFinally the sportsmen through the Health and Fitness, and Sports courses can keep their fitness levels high by attending classes such as Yoga or weight maintenance program, techniques for the perfect Golf Swing, techniques for Sports Broadcasting and Extreme Scuba Makeover.

Do not miss the chance to follow these courses as far as the high level of the Instructors will help you achieve all your goals!