The 128k Macintosh, which was simply known as Apple Macintosh when it was originally released in 1984, was Apple’s very first personal computer. Born in the era of neon signs, flash contraptions, and fingerless gloves, there is no denying that the computer is ugly by today’s standards. Even still, any Apple collector would gladly get their hands on an original Apple Macintosh. After seeing the gold-plated, wood-crafted replica made by Love Hultén, however, I am not sure that anyone would go back to the original.

1984 Apple Macintosh Replica From Wood and Gold 4Hultén has made a name for himself in the tech and gaming community due to his many personal projects which involve turning beloved old pieces of technology into masterfully crafted, one of a kind objects that everyone in their right mind adores. As for the Macintosh, Hultén created what he calls “The Golden Apple”, an apt name considering the mythological parallels concerning jealously and pride.

The Macintosh 128k replica is an exact copy of the original as far as the dimensions and general shape and form are concerned but the similarities end there. Instead of a lifeless, plastic exterior, Hultén has managed to create a beautiful wooden box made from American walnut. It even includes the built-in handle found in the original model to carry it around although this replica would feel more at home in an enclosed display than an actual office. After all, I am not entirely certain I could live with myself if I destroyed a unique piece like this.

1984 Apple Macintosh Replica From Wood and Gold 3The entire setup is complemented by a wireless mouse made from the same wood as well as a wooden keyboard with gold-plated keys. The keyboard in question is actually mechanical and it uses blue cherry MX tactile keys while the golden key caps are made from zink. Both accessories fit perfectly with the replica to the point where you cannot really consider them separately. There is virtually no ugly spot on any part of the design, as even the screws have been painted over to look gold and shiny.

Aside from the obvious exterior differences, this replica of the 1984 Apple Macintosh is also very different on the inside. Instead of an actual Macintosh 128k, Hultén opted to mount a modern Mac Mini. The computer is fully operational and the outdated floppy drive has also been replaced with a DVD drive. The fact that you could actually take advantage of this replica and use it for mundane tasks as a fully operational machine makes the entire endeavor even more impressive.

1984 Apple Macintosh Replica From Wood and Gold 5If you were reading so far in order to find out where you can get one of these beauties, I am afraid that your hopes and dreams will be crashed promptly. As with most other items made by Hultén, this replica is not for sale. This is one of the Swedish designer’s passion projects which he keeps for his own use. Of course, you are more than welcome to browse for pictures and even contact him for some ideas on how to make your own custom boxes.