Zippo Emergency Fire Starter

Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $8.50.

With the Zippo Emergency Fire Starter, lighting a fire has never been easier. In the great outdoors, getting a fire started can be a matter of life & death.

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With the Zippo Emergency Fire Starter, lighting a fire has never been easier. In the great outdoors, getting a fire started quickly can be a matter of life and death. The reliable flint wheel ignition lights water-resistant waxed tinder sticks that store inside a waterproof case that floats. The water-resistant O-ring seal built into the polypropylene case of Zippo Emergency Fire Starter helps keep the contents dry. The kit of Zippo Emergency Fire Starter includes a flint-wheel ignition and 4 waxed tinder sticks to help you get fire going.