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Avalon Electric Pencil Sharpener 1
Avalon Electric Pencil Sharpener Original price was: $129.99.Current price is: $49.99.

VSSL Survival Kit And Flashlight


The VSSL Survival Kit And Flashlight contains the outdoor gear you need for short-term excursions. Having critical supplies in a compact case is essential.

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The VSSL Survival Kit And Flashlight contains the outdoor gear you need for short-term excursions. Whether you plan to be out for a few days or a few hours, having critical supplies in a compact weather-resistant case is an essential part of preparation. The VSSL Survival Kit And Flashlight carries fishing gear, quick fire start, wire hand saw, water purification tablets, mirror, trail markers, first aid, razor blade, beeswax candle, and more. Military spec aluminum to allow you confidence to take it anywhere the wilderness will take you. Also, its compact size allows you to bring it with you anytime.