BeeRaider currently supplies three main products, all based on a unique and patented radial keyboard design. A design created for data-entry efficiency in the 21st century. The Optimised Wireless Radial Keyboard is been designed to be logical, ergonomic and efficient. It includes all the advantages of QWERTY Desktop Radial Keyboard model has but it is more logical and efficient to use.
The Optimised Wireless Radial Keyboard features larger keys for weaker fingers which encourages a user to use their less agile fingers, thus allowing them to move away from the considerable slower “Hunt and Peck” approach that is used by the majority of today’s keyboard operators. Also, it reduces operator fatigue and discomfort.
BeeRaider’s innovative Optimised Radial Keyboard design is primarily aimed at untrained computer keyboard users, which would be the vast majority of keyboard users today. Its design offers these users the means by which they can greatly improve their typing speed and efficiency over a relatively short period of time, leading to increased work productivity. It scales down well while still maintaining keycap-size and it manages to do this without sacrificing any of the keys seen on a full-character-set desktop keyboard. Because of this and its many other design advantages, it’s expected that this will greatly facilitate improved user typing speed. Its ability to scale well makes the new keyboard design particularly suited for portable devices.
By the use of recommended acronyms and words the rapid recognition of key positions can be quickly achieved. According to the company most users memorise the location of the alphabet keys in approximately 10 minutes after 4 to 5 minutes of practice exercises. The most frequently used alphabet character keys are deliberately arranged in such a way as to be within easy reach of the user’s two index fingers. This approach ensures that a user’s finger travel time is kept to a minimum.
BeeRaider contends that the new design will solve the problem of cramped small keys on portable devices such as Net-books and Laptops. The new keyboard design is suitable for integration with all mobile and non-mobile devices currently using the standard QWERTY keyboard design. As demonstrated by its Android Keyboard App, the company’s Radial Keyboard design can also be implemented as a virtual representation on Smart-phone and Tablet devices with touch-screen technology.
BeeRaider believes that their Optimised Wireless Radial Keyboard design represents something of a landmark in the development of human interface devices where data-entry by keyboard is concerned. Unlike the QWERTY standard keyboard design, the new Radial Keyboard design is logical, efficient, ergonomic and compact. In short, a keyboard designed for the 21st century.