Nuclear War Survival Skills


Updated and Expanded 2022 Edition Regarding Ukraine Russia and the World: The Best Book on Any Nuclear Incident Ever … New Methods and Tools As New Threat Emerge!


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The book is fantastic and it will help you protect yourself from any nuclear incident. Whether it is a full-out nuclear war or a nuclear accident or nuclear detonations going off on the other side of the world.

The whole book addresses all-out nuclear war w/ USA & Russia or China, its from 1987 after all. Most everything in the book is “Expedient Civil Defense” which uses stuff easily available in your home or easy to obtain.

Cresson mentored Steven Harris for years and he promised to keep Cresson’s book in print and available to the entire world in the event of a crisis. The original 1987 version is available for free download at but in 2022 Steven felt that he needed to add update pages to the book.